Wednesday, March 23, 2011

working out vs.dieting

A new study confirms the overall research findings that dietary change, specifically eating less fat, produces more weight loss than changes in exercise. Many studies have compared weight loss resulting from changing diet versus increasing activity. weight loss during programs focused on dietary change produced two to three times greater weight loss than programs focused on exercise. long-term results that matter for our health.
            Cutting calories doesn't have to mean dieting. We become overweight when we consume more calories in food and drink than we burn up. To lose weight, we need to shift that balance and burn up more than we consume. We can accomplish that by consuming fewer calories, burning more, or both. Cutting calories doesn’t necessarily have to mean going on a “diet.” It can just mean avoiding or limiting one or more foods high in calories from fat (such as high-fat meat, cheese, or snack foods, or too much added fat), lots of sugar (like sweets or sweetened drinks), or alcohol.
            Exercise plus lower calories for women. In this new study conducted at the University of Minnesota, moderate or substantial drops in dietary fat were linked to weight loss in overweight and obese men and women, regardless of how much they changed physical activity. For women and men to lose weight or just go on a diet. Depends how they want to have their diet. In women, even substantial increases in exercise were not enough to produce weight loss if they did not decrease fat consumption. Men, however, were able to lose weight through increased exercise alone. Men, has the effects of exercise and dietary fat seemed to have independent effects on the amount of weight lost. women, although exercise alone was not a successful weight loss strategy. Exercise changes metabolism to allow more successful weight loss.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Interview Questions: about working out and to know how to burn those Abs and Strengthen that core!!!!

                Hello, I’m here to ask you some questions about working out.
Q1: Do you like working out, yes or no why or why not?
A1: No and cause I don’t have time.
Q2:  What do you think,  how can you change the different workouts?
A2: I don’t know
Q3: How long would you have to work out?
A3: umm like 15mins a day.
Q4: What is your favorite workout?
A4: Push ups
Q5: What is the most body-part that you workout (Abs, lower-body, upper-body. Etc..)
Q6: What is the worst workout that you ever done?
A6: last one. The thing broke.
Q7:Do you eat healthy food to keep your body in shape, if so what kind of food?
A7:  Nope, I’ll eat anything
Q8: Who or what got you influenced to start working out?
A8:my best-friend Raymond
Q9: what motivates you to start working out every-day or at least couple a times of the week?
A9:my best-friends and soccer
Q10: Is it fun to work out alone or with friends?
A10: with friends
I asked these questions to my friend Alek , that I had to text it to him so he can answer me back.
I picked this video to know how to burn those Abs and Strengthen that core 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Whats eating you!!!

                Fast food makes you unhealthy. What is really in your food if you get fast-food.  Children eat five times more fast food today than they did in 1970. One out of three young people aged four to nineteen eat fast food. Almost 20 percent of children aged six and up were overweight in 2003-2004. Being over-weight can lead to many health problems 2 type of diabetes. In 1994, only about 5 percent of children with diabetes had the type 2 kind.
                Why do young people seen to be heavier- and unhealthier- than ever before? One they ride the bus or find a way to get to school instead of walking, and play video games instead of sports. Ages of eight and eighteen sit in front of the TV for more than three hours each day, watching television is not only making children gain weight.
                Fast-food restaurants spend millions of dollars a year on their commercials. Like burgers, fries, shakes, and other foods that they sell look delicious. But fast-food restaurants are everywhere you see when you drive somewhere where you live or going to another state. Eating fast-food is ok once in a while if you make healthy choices at fast-food restaurants.
                Krispy kreme and other fast-food restaurants appeal to families cause of their low prices and quick service. Americans were spending more than $136 billion per year on fast food. Fast food restaurants  isn’t cooked there from scratch, a lot of it is mass- produced in big factories.  Most fast-food is loaded with fat, calories, sugar, and salt.
                -fat, your body needs some fats for energy and to help it grow. Who are overweight are more likely to have asthma.
                Ask your-self these questions
·         How often should you eat fast-food?
·         What are the least healthy items at fast-food restaurants?
·         What are the healthiest items at fast-food restaurants?
·         How can you modify your fast-food meals to make them healthier?
·         What portion size should you order?
·         What is the best way to lose the extra weight, gained from  eating too much fast food?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

In a perfect world, everyone would work out enough and eat right all the time. What really matters most—dieting or exercise—for losing weight, fighting disease, and boosting overall well-being. Exercise causes the brain to pour out invigorating neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine, says Patrick O'Connor, Ph.D., an exercise psychologist at the University of Georgia. "If you had to focus on one nutrient that would lower your heart disease risk, it would be omega-3 fatty acids," says William Harris, Ph.D., director of the cardiovascular health research center at the University of South Dakota.
Nearly 10 million American women have diabetes. Achieving a healthy weight through diet and exercise is the strongest defense against the disease, but physical activity has a slight edge. Eating a mostly plant-based diet and exercising regularly remain the gold standard for warding off cancer.
What happenes if you can't work out and you have to sit at home and do nothing, cause you got hurt of taking a box down from the attic or fell off the ladder. And you were in shape and now that you can't do anything for a couple of months.