Monday, February 28, 2011

To know the difference of health food

  • Five servings of Dark-colored fruits and vegetables and six of whole grains each day.
  • Two weekly servings of fatty Fish (salmon, cod, mackerel).
  • Complex carbohydrates that are high in fiber, such as whole grains.
  • Monounsaturated fats (olive and canola oil)
  • Daily serving of nuts, seeds, or legumes.
  • Fish or soy over poultry or other meat
  • Avoid fad diets, especially those with high- protein, low-carbohydrate foods
  • Reduce salt in take
  • Avoid saturated fats (animal fats) and trans fats.

How to modify a Diet

  • Consistency
  • Coloric level
  • Levels of one or more nutrients
  • Bulk or fiber content
  • Spiciness
  • Levels of specific foods

Also you want to know about soft or light diet, mechanical soft diet, liquid diet, bland Diet, elimination diet, high-or-low-fiber diet and the diabetic diet.
Exercise is defined as physical exertion for the maintenance or improvement of health or for the correction of physical handicap.

Most Americans say they know about the benefits of exercise, only 20% to 25% of adults exercise enough to gain significant health benefits. Twenty-Ave percent are not achieve at all, and nearly half all American vigorously active on a regular basis. To have a well- balanced diet is only half of the fitness to ensure good health adequate exercise and sufficient rest form the other half of the equation.

Are you having stress, well stress stimulates the fight-or-flight response that physically prepares us to either fight of our stress by eating right, exercise and getting our mind cleared. Stress is not physically battle of effectively run away from.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What do you think of working out!!

            What do you think of working out is or what can you improve about working out. Some say working out is healthy, and just work out harder. Taking care of your body and to improve it by doing the work outs right. Other say, working out is a way to express yourself and to just clear your head, improve your body and your mind while working out. Working out is pushing your body physical limits to make yourself stronger and faster and better overall physically.

            What are the better equipment to workout and to lose weight. Personally doing push-ups and crunches and running and just eating right to lose fat and do some dumnbell and barbell work outs. Men and women can do it if they really try and work everyday. Actually running and doing push-ups and pull-ups and sit-ups is better for losing weight. And if you don’t want to do that there is all ways different ways to lose weight.

           Exercise improves your mood to bow off some steam after having a stressful day you could do is by going to the gym or have a brisk 30- minute walk to clam down. Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed than you were before you worked out. Exercise boots your energy level with the physical activity can delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues. And helps your entire cardiovascular system. The circulation of blood through your heart and blood vessels and work more efficiently.

            Are you bored at home or at work and don’t know what to do? You can exercise at home like walking, jumping jacks, push-ups, leg-lifts, crunches, jogging in place, squats, light weight lifting, dancing, and step exercises. Getting some exercise is important, that you don’t need to go out and join a gym and paying a large amount in membership fees each month. It would be a wonderful to be able to afford all of that fancy equipment used in the gyms then paying. Its free working out at home.      

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Fear of trying to lose weight!!

Fear, what can it take you. Are you scared that you can’t do anything right. And that you can’t accomplish like going on a roller coaster and being afraid of heights, snakes, anything that anybody has a fear of. What can you do to, to not get scared of something.  And having the fear of your weight what you look like and what other people think of you and how you dress. That you are being unhappy about your weight .

You been over weight over years that your parents don’t see you how you act and being alone at home, while their at work, that they are to busy to notice. Your 18 and you want to live leave your fear in the past and by changing your life to the future that you are going to go while you are going to college and want to make more friends and go shopping and have a boy/girl friend.

Over the summer is all about losing weight until you go to college. And it's also about figuring out who they are and who they want to be. Also It's a chance for them to realize that if they don't take charge of their lives now. And how you live without your mom and dad and not telling you want you have to get done. For you to change your attitude, eating habits, and ultimately their lives. Like how else would you need to change your life. Having the fear of gaining the weight back that you kept on eating and just sitting around on the couch! Where is that going to take you in your life. From smoking and drinking is the worst part trying to lose weight.

Fear is what stops you...courage is what keeps you going - unknown

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

working out!

            Welcome to my page!  What is working out, what do you think of it. Is working out fun or boring? Do you feel like you are over-weight and want to lose a few pounds. I think working out is a chance of getting out of the house and going to a exercise fit place. Getting into shape after eating cookies, burgers,  etc. Going to a gym there different machines you can pick from, you lift weights and go on the tread mill. You want a trainer to teach you the right way how to exercise and eat right.
what can you improve of working out. Have a routine of exercise and have a goal how much you want to lose. There always tips how to exercise better and to triple your workout, limit your workouts to 30-40 minutes, High-intensity workouts, protein, water, carbs, Shake before and after workout. Anything you can find how to exercise fun. If you want to workout at home you can, you can have videos different workouts or if you little kids at home and they make you run around the house, that’s a another way to exercise. Put some music on and dance, dance is another way you can exercise with some sassy in it or doing the zumba, hip-hop dance workout or go to a dance class and they can show you what it means when you move your body you will lose put weight in the hip and have smaller pants size. What do you think of working out ask your-self or a trainer.